We obsess over this gorgeous "work hard, play hard" mother of six, who never fails to impress us. This list covers everything about how to eat, dress, act, work and live like Kardashian momager Kris Jenner. And never forget - she's 60 and rocking it. No excuses. For anything. Ever.

GIVE YOURSELF MOTIVATING TREATS AT WORK. This picture of Kris Jenner makes us go wild. Imagine having on a tux and having a glass of champagne at a monday afternoon at work! And the Louis Vuitton calendar is just beyond(!!). Buy me a Vuitton calendar and then maybe I could squeeze you in for a hot date. Just let me check my calendar...

BE A GENEROUS HOSTESS. So... this is the actual fridge at Kris Jenner's house. We could not possibly be more impressed. We would like to have the insanely expensive Fiji water and a peach bellini to go, please.

BUY THE RIGHT SIZE OF WINE GLASSES. It is supposed to be big. No, let's refrase that. Huge. It is supposed to be huge. And don't forget that weekdays always calls for chilled wine. And of course saturday is a great day for a tall glass of vino. And don't even get us started talking about sundays...

FIND THE PERFECT EVERYDAY LUNCH. Kris buys her famous all green, chef salad from a restaurant in Woodland Hills, called Health Nut. The yellow drink is a Mango Greentini (just the name makes us thirsty!), and consists of fat burning, antioxidant green tea, sweet mango juice and golden honey.

THE SUNNIES. Kris may have a crazy amout of designer eyewear but you really only need a great, classic black pair that goes with everything. Put them on - and just don't take 'em off.

KEEPING UP WITH... YOUR FEELINGS. Kris has never been the one to bottle up ( bottles not included). Tears, laughter, disappointment, anger or overwhelming love - just go for it.

SURROND YOURSELF WITH CLOSE FAMILY AND GREAT FRIENDS. Your squad should be fabolous and diverse. Make new friends, travel with family and friends, have lunch with your daughters spouses, be friends with your exes. Care too much and love too hard.

ENJOY LIFE! For the complete "Kris"-lifestyle you should endulge in everything you desire. Because life is short and you are amazing.

AND THIS SHOULD BE YOUR SCREENSAVER. Beacuse this shows why Kris Jenner is our spirit animal. The on point statement glasses, the perfect nude lipstick, (the) Karl Lagerfeld (also wearing the perfect nude lip), the #bestfriendgoals factor, the fact that she's attending Chanel fashion show. You get the point. She is EVERYTHING.
How does Kris Jenner inspire you?